BSL1850C 18V 5.0Ah Li-ion Compact Battery Pack

Product sheet HIKOKI Battery Charging Times
18V 5.0Ah Li-ion Compact Battery Pack


The BSL1850C battery is 19 mm shorter and 100 g lighter

than the BSL1850 battery. It sounds not much, but the

battery has a significantly reduction in both size and

weight: 15% smaller and lighter. It still provides you

with the same high power output. This compact battery

powers all existing HiKOKI 18V slide tools and is

compatible with the existing 18V rapid chargers.


Voltage 18V
Capacity 5.0Ah
Energy (voltage x capacity) 90 Wh
Battery Level Indicator No
Charging time with UC18 YSL3 32min
Number of cells 5 (1Layer)
Dimensions 97 x 76 x 71mm
Weight 550g

PArt No. 376029
GTIN 4549115223684

1 year automatic warranty subject to terms & conditions. Please remember to retain your proof of purchase.